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De Heeren van Diest - Group

From the rich medieval history of Diest (Belgium) grew the idea for ‘De Heeren van Diest’, a re-enactment group with a focus on the second half of the 15th century (1450-1480).

As such we are intent on reliving medieval life in this period throughout our clothing, tents, weapons, equipment and armor. In order to achieve this, we challenge ourselves to do in-depth historical research. New members are encouraged and helped when starting, as we pride ourselves on it that we are at first and foremost a group of good friends.


Besides taking part in medieval camps and festivals, we also engage ourselves in medieval battle, in which we fight with historically correct equipment (with some concessions to modern protection).

Because (blunt) medieval weapons are used, we practice ourselves in the skilled handling of weapons, in endurance and in historical European martial arts (even though we’re not a HEMA-group). For more information, see ‘Activities’ below.


The group currently exists as a club, containing all members, headed by a chairman and/or trainer leading the group.


With the exception of the camps and festivals (see ‘Events’), we also strive to organize additional activities for our group.


As such we organize weekly workout sessions, with the intention to teach each member how to use medieval weapons and fighting techniques in a responsible and skilled way. During these sessions the historical context of the activities is explained as are the weapons and techniques, which range from (medieval) wrestling to fighting in armor.


In addition to the workout sessions, we also take part in workshops and refresher courses.

It must be noted that we do not identify ourselves as a HEMA-group (Historical European Martial Arts) as our workout is directed towards fighting safely on the battlefield and on the personal enrichment of our knowledge and skills within the historical context of re-enactment.


The trainings for knights and archers are organised on a weekly basis.
For more information, please direct all your questions to us via 'Contact'.



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